Sunday, April 26, 2009

Udaipur Lake Palace, Lake Pichola, Rajasthan, India

Today i Interviewed Sardar Khan. Mr. Khan was a member of the military and was stationed outside of a major city that refugees were pouring out of. There was one major road that the refugees were taking to get out of the city, and it was a death trap. It was very narrow and lead up a mountain and had bridges on it. It was practically suicide trying to escape on this path. Was escape all these refugees cared about? Why did they not stop and take a second to think things through and use some common sense? Their stupiditiy was their downfall, the military had plans to blow up the bridge that connected the road, making it impossible for the undead to get to other cities, this was smart in a way, but it was also very cruel and evil. They would be dooming thousands upon millions of civilians to death. Mr. Khan and his unit were tasked to blow up the c4 that was planted on the bridge. The detonator did not work. Then, Mr. Khan claimed that a man known as the Tiger of Delhi, General Raj-Singh, suddenly appeared by him and said he would blow up the bridge himself, so that Mr. Khan and his men could escape and live. Could Mr. Khan really have seen this man he says he saw, or was he just hilucinating? Either way, he lived through that day somehow.

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