Sunday, May 10, 2009

Denver, Colorado, USA

Today I interviewed Todd Wainio. He told me of a battle by Hope, New Mexico. The goal of this battle was to eliminate as many zombies as they could. They did not use any big weapons like they did at yonkers. Why did they use big weapons at yonkers, but not here? Could it be the lack of the media there? Anyway, all they had were guns and lobos. They fought all through the night and killed enough zombies for there to be a stack of bodies 20 high. This is really one of the first good stories I have heard in some time. I'm thrilled to hear that the zombies can finally be defeated efficiantly, I mean, not without huge weapons.

1 comment:

Chris Cohn said...

I think they used big weapons at Yonkers and not at Hope because Yonkers made them realize that big weapons didn't work on Zack so they had to try something more basic. Yonkers may have been a bust, but it helped them in the battle of Hope which was the beginning of the end.